Tuesday, April 29, 2008

some more pics

here are some pics

some pics

here are some more pics

more pics

Here's some really cool pics of the beach at sunset in Le Havre

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Daylight Savings!! Yes!! They do have it in France

Well, these couple days have been pretty hard only because we lost an hour last weekend and it's so dark in the morning. I'm starting to try to work out more to see if I can get anymore muscle on my body. My companion is a wrestler so he is in shape a lot of the time. He even brought his own weights to the apartment so he could work out. We have gone running a little bit in the mornings down to the beach. My legs killed me after the first time only cause I haven't ran since the MTC. But as for the weather. It's been off and on. Rainy one day then sunny. Not too bad lately. It should be starting to get sunny since it's just about spring. Also, I don't know if I have said this yet, my mission is getting a new President in July. His name is President Staley. I'm not sure if it spelled the right way but he was the Secretary to President Hinckley so we'll see what happens with that. I really want to be sent to one of the out cities right outside Paris even though the city I'm in is one of the best in the mission. Le Havre and Orleans I'm told. Anyway, when we were out porting out in the hills, we came across some old Bunkers from the war and I took some pics of them. They were pretty cool cause the Bunker looked out into the Atlantic right on the cliffs.