Monday, February 16, 2009

A new son!!

Well, her's the good news. I'm gonna have a boy!! In missionary terms that means I am going to train a new missionary straight from the MTC. I'm very very excited but a little scared at the same time. I feel like I almost need to be perfect for my son so he can learn the most from me. Things are going well nonetheless. We have 3 baptismal dates in our ward right now and it is going great. I went on exchanges with another elder in Evry and we set a baptismal date for him and he accepted. Things are just getting better and better here in Evry. The president said a couple months ago that they were reducing the amount of missionaries coming to our mission for the next couple years. So far, you can't even tell. We have more baptismal dates, the mission is working hard and things are going well. I really don't think it's the amount of missionaries that makes the difference. It's the hard working missionaries that make the difference. Anyways, this friday, Elder Dallin H. Oaks will come speak to us (the missionaries) in Versailles!! It will be awesome. I've heard that other apostles are going around europe right now as a matter of fact. I have a friend in Germany that said that Elder Bednar would be speaking to their mission around the same time as Elder Oaks. Well, whatever. It'll be cool. I just can't believe I will have a son in the mission. Anyways, have a great day and week and I will talk to you all later.
-Elder Jex

Monday, February 9, 2009

Long Time

Hey everyone, It's been a while since I've written so I'll get you up to date. I am now in a city just south of Paris called Evry. The ward here is about 150 people and that's awesome. There's some really cool people here to work with. I've been here for a little while but not to long. The work here is going very well. We just had a baptism of a young girl named Rebecca. We have a couple other people with Baptismal dates so hopefully all of those will go through. We are teaching this 25 year old man named Reginald. He has been coming to church for the last couple months and we know that he has a testimony but he doesn't want to admit it. He is right on the point of getting baptized but we just got to be patient with him and let him decide on what he wants to do. We are also working with the son of a recent convert who is about 18 years old. He has come to church a couple times and we are trying to help him understand the principle on how faith leads to action. We see him once a week but it doesn't seem like he has been doing much. I looks like we got the work cut out for us. Also, the 20th of February, Elder Dallin H. Oaks will come to our mission to speak with us about the work. I'm very excited for this opprotunity to listen to him and see him in person. Anyways, all is going well as of right now. It has snowed a couple times in the last month but hopefully it'll get warmer in the next couple weeks. Hopefully I stay here for a long time because I really like this area. Talk to you all later.
-Elder Jex